
Plants for Soil Remediation

As we know, much soil today is badly polluted with industrial waste and chemicals as well as pathogenic organisms from farms, sewage, and pharmaceutical residuals. Ideally, land that has been harmed by toxins and inadequate management of the environment would be planted with flowers that are not used for either food or medicine. In many cases, the plants themselves would eventually have to be removed. Meanwhile, there are a few plants that are specific for remediation following nuclear contamination, first of which is sunflower. The seeds will remain edible but the stalks and roots will have absorbed the radioactivity and should not therefore be used for composting food crops.

Acorus calamus var. americanus


Calamus, 100 seeds for planting

Sweet flag likes to grow in or near water and can tolerate full sun to partial shade. The root is bitter and is an excellent digestive tonic and be used to reduce addictions. It filters stagnant water in the ground as well as in the body. It will only flower if in water.

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Rumex acetosella


Sorrel, Sheep Sorrel, 100 seeds, organic

Sheep"s sorrel is the host for small copper butterly and it is also eaten by grazing animals. It can be found in quite bad soil but it prefers the same habitat as blueberries. Its leaves are high in beta carotene and have a number of uses including Essiac tea. It is a parasiticide, for intestinal parasites.

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Sunflower Fat Mama
Helianthus annuus


Sunflower, Russian, 50 seeds, organic

These sunflowers are the type preferred by birds as well as for expressing oil. They grow about five feet tall and beans can be planted between them as the beans will run up the stalks of the sunflowers. This variety produces a very large seed head that matures in 60 days. Sunflower can also be used to detoxify soil, including reducing the radioactivity from exposure to nuclear hazards.

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Achillea millefolium


Yarrow Seeds, 200 pack

Cultivation: Easy. Sow in flat or direct seed. Germinates in about 8 days in warm soils. Space plants 18 inches apart. Grows vigorously in any kind of soil. Prefers full sun and very little water. Yarrow is a vulnerary (antiseptic), anti-inflammatory, hemostatic.

Herbaceous perennial. Native to temperate zones worldwide. Spreads joyfully. This is the hardy white-flowered species, wild harvested from the Oregon Siskiyou Mountains.

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Anemopsis californica


Yerba Mansa, 100 seeds, open pollinated

This is a creeping herbaceous perennial that likes alkaline soil. It can survive in salty and brackish soil. It can be used as a ground cover or soil enhancer. It is hardy to 25 degrees Fahrenheit and spreads through runners. It is sometimes known by the name of Lizard"s Tail. Germination often requires high temperatures and sometimes takes three months. Be patient!

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*The material provided on this site is for informational purposes only. The site owner is not a medical doctor. Information provided is not intended to replace the services of health care professionals. The content and products discussed have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this site and the products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.